We are a community that believes we are more alike than we will ever be different and every human being is worthy and deserving of love, respect and compassion. We believe that hurt people hurt people and empowered people empower people, so our mission is to empower all of us to gain the courage to start with ourselves, to look deeper, to identify what's holding us back, reclaim our power, recognise our gifts and step into our purpose.
We host events, run workshops and produce projects all designed to empower, shed stigma, equip and encourage, as well as sharing daily inspiration and encouragement.
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WeAreAllAlike seeks to empower individuals through creating and running a variety of workshops designed to empower and equip each individual to embrace their gifts, tap into their purpose and claim their power back. These workshops are hosted in person as well as online.
WeAreAllAlike produces documentaries that seek to shed stigma by sharing lived experiences that more of us have in common than we may realise. By raising awareness and allowing unspoken stories to be told, we aim to promote that we are truly not alone and more alike than we will ever be different.

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