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We believe that we are more alike than we will ever be different and that every human being is worthy and deserving of love, respect, compassion and empowerment. There will always be more that unites us than seperates us, even if our experiences and identities seem vastly different on the surface. Though our unique experiences, cultures, faiths, lives and ways in which we love shape so much of who we are, and though those unique qualities should always be celebrated, at the core of us there is so much common ground with one another that unites us and brings us together as one. We all have so much to gain from acknowledging our similarities, whether this be through lived experiences or simply how we feel and process the world around us.


We all have as much potential for love and joy as we do for pain, we believe that hurtful actions come from hurt hearts, and if we leaned into our similarities, we could shed the shame and judgement we hold for others as well as ourselves, creating more loving and safe spaces in our own lives as well as others that cultivate healing and growth.


We believe we all have the power and potential to challenge our fears, as well as our own preconceived notions, assumptions, prejudices and systems of belief. By recognising the root of these issues and fostering a shared space to ask questions, share our stories and open an ongoing conversation, we can begin to tear down the barriers that keep us apart and embrace the freedom and strength found within unity.



We believe in order to change the world into a more empowered, beautiful and compassionate place, we need to start with ourselves. We believe we are all deserving of feeling empowered to find our purpose by recognising and honouring our gifts, by owning our unique stories, life experiences and all that makes us beautiful, by shedding any self limiting beliefs that sabotage us, and by learning to be more compassionate with ourselves as well as others, so we can fully step into the lives we were always meant to live.


We seek to empower individuals through creating community, through designing and running empowerment workshops that we host in person as well as online. We also seek to empower the individual through sharing our shared lived experiences and shedding stigma by producing documentaries, conducting video interviews as well as sharing helpful tips on how to navigate the challenges we all have in common.





ASC Art House

Grafton Quarter, Grafton Road

Croydon CR0 3RP

London, United Kingdom


Monday - Thursday

9am - 11am

2pm - 6pm

Thanks for getting in touch!

© 2024 We Are All Alike

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