We Are All Empowered Workshop
We Are All Creatives
Whether we work within a creative industry or we use creativity to manage relationships, realise our dreams or step into our purpose, creativity is within us all and the tool to unlocking our full potential.
We Are All Storytellers
We all have a unique perspective and a unique story that we can tap into that leads the way for how we realise our purpose, materialise our vision and communicate our ideas. We explore how it is that you can best tell your story through the gifts you have at your disposal.
We Are All In Control
Although we can't always control events in our lives or the ways in which those shape us, we can control our perspectives and reshape our mindsets, allowing us identify what is in our control and change what is in our power to.
We Are All Purposeful
Our purpose is often times so much closer within our reach than we often realise. Cutting through the noise of the "should"s and "shouldn't"s, we explore our gifts and the things we love that come most naturally to us.
We Are All Powerful
Sometimes even when our purpose and our gifts may be clear to us, there can be fears or self limiting beliefs we've internalised that stand in our way and holding us back. We seek to identify those lies for what they are and replace them with encouragement, reclaiming our power.
We Are All Empowered
By the end of this workshop we aim to provide you with more clarity on your gifts, your purpose, how to use your gifts and story to communicate your purpose, how to step into your power, removing any obstacles in your way so you are empowered to live the life you were always purposed to live.
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